Information Security

Hi friends.....Here follows a small part of my paper "Information Security", which won in last years tech-fest at NMIMS, Mumbai.....Njoi and BE SECURE!!!!
Information technology is a powerful tool in the hand of corporate looking to increase their business and earn sustainable profit and also for countries on a development spree. Reach of computers and other tools of information technology is deepening at a very rapid rate.
However as conventional systems of information is becoming obsolete day by day and digitization of information is taking place, there is also the information theft brewing around the corner.
Information security is a growing concern for any entity dealing with neo information technology tools. We are witnessing virus threats with every passing minute. Individuals having superior technological competencies but having mala fide intentions are exploiting vulnerabilities presented by the digital age to earn illegal advantages and in the process causing havoc for a general user.
It is not at all an exaggeration when certain IT experts claim that future wars will not be won by AK-47s or Tomahawk Missiles but with the use of mouse and keyboards.
An establishment not having proper security installations can be brought down on its knees with in no time by a sophisticated attack directed towards it.
Unlike the normal crimes it is also very complicated to catch a maverick stealing your information. Also Internet and other types of information technology tools identify no geographical boundaries, so there is no way one can ever predict from where the attack on information base will originate.
Another major issue ailing the information age is the set of laws and regulations, which are inadequate in almost all countries to prosecute or catch someone using information technology for wrong purposes.
Majority of the users of IT tools considers that they can never be a target of information theft as such attacks are always aimed at behemoth organizations like banks and intelligence agencies. It is this myth, which make them the most vulnerable to an attack.
The need in this information age is to have proper safe guards in place to ward of any attack, which can put the information base of an entity in jeopardy.
It goes without saying that to survive in the red oceans and prepare an organization for the age of glocalization extensive use of information technology is necessary. Coupled with these need is the Herculean task of properly managing information security. Proper safeguards such as firewalls, encryption, updated anti viruses and conscious approaches such as not divulging credit card details, maintaining proper back up of the important database etc must be employed. Religious efforts towards protecting once information sources are the only way to have efficacious information security. The following report analyzes all the threats, issues and challenges in information security and also provides with the recommendations to be followed for having stronger information security.